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JSTL and Apache tomcat 7

SudeepShakyaDec 4 2011 — edited Dec 7 2011
Where can i download the jstl jar files needed for tomcat 7. and cannot download from ""
i have download jstl-api-1.2.jar and jstl-impl-1.2.jar instead of jstl.jar and standard.jar but they didn't work.
This post has been answered by gimbal2 on Dec 5 2011
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SudeepShakya wrote:
i have download jstl-api-1.2.jar and jstl-impl-1.2.jar instead of jstl.jar and standard.jar but they didn't work.
Then you did something wrong. Not much more to say about it when you provide absolutely nothing other than saying "it doesn't work".
Marked as Answer by SudeepShakya · Sep 27 2020
the problem is solved. But i don't know what was the cause, i just reinstalled tomcat and pasted the jar files and worked well.
Thanks for reply
Most likely: putting jars where they shouldn't have been.
Or rather not putting them where they should have been.
EJP wrote:
Or rather not putting them where they should have been.
Nah, not in this case I think. I believe the OP when he says he installed Tomcat fresh and copy/pasted the same stuff into it. So my assumption is that the old installation was broken due to jar pollution.
Well guys stop arguing. None of u are right.
SudeepShakya wrote:
Well guys stop arguing. None of u are right.
Then prove it. Tell what is wrong so other people with the same issue may benefit.
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Locked on Jan 4 2012
Added on Dec 4 2011