I have created a simple template in Word (sample.docx) and some json-files sample1.txt, sample2.txt and sample3.txt holding the data (I have uploaded the files as txt-files, as json is not allowed)
The data is coming from an Oracle table and printed to the file using UTL_FILE-package with a script like sample.sql
The text contains new-line charcaters to assure lines to be printed on a new-line.
In Oracle this new-line is translated as chr(13)||chr(10).
When converted to json, which is required when using the pre-built-function, this is translated as \r\n. (see various attempts with json-files sample1.txt, sample2.txt and sample3.txt, resulting in sample1.pdf, sample2.pdf and sample3.pdf)
The generated pdf's show that \r is ruining the table structure, while only using \n does not result in a new-line.
Is there someone out there that can help me solving this issue?
I really like the OCI-function solution, but when I won't be able to control the new-lines, then this will be quite useless for me.