Currently when a subtrade has not used or logged into Textura for a certain period of time (I am not positive on the timing, but I believe in the 6 month+ range) their administrator contact information (name & email) is removed from their account. While I understand that a prolonged inactivity could result in the administrator changing at the company, I don't know if the automatic removal of them from the account is an overall positive.
The result of this is that the subtrades Textura account is unable to be reinstated by the user themself, but they need to call into Textura Support to have a new administrator setup.
My proposal would be to not have the administrator user removed as I've found often their admin hasn't changed over periods of inactivity. If there was a situation where the administrator would need to be updated, the subtrade could reach out to support at that time to have that changed. This would save a lot of time on the GC & Trade side of things when looking to have a subcontract setup for use in TPM.