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How to uninstall Oracle 12c Instant Client

2817173Dec 18 2014 — edited Dec 18 2014

Hi all. This should be a simple question to answer but I'm not finding anything applicable. I downloaded the Oracle Database 12 Release 1 Client ( for Microsoft Windows (x64 and 32-bit) installer. I ran Setup and chose the InstantClient option. It installed successfully, but now I need to remove it. I can't find any way to do so. Repeated searches keep referring to a deinstall utility. This is supposedly integrated into the setup.exe for Oracle 12. I ran this (setup.exe -deinstall -home) and nothing happened. The Oracle notes also refer to an actual deinstall command, but I couldn't find one. There is no deinstall folder in either the installer folder or the installed product location. How do I remove the client? Other Google searches have people manually deleting files and hacking the registry but surely there's gotta be something better than that!


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Locked on Jan 15 2015
Added on Dec 18 2014
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