Docker Swarm is a scalable and reliable for web app development Company with efficient automated load balancing and high availability.
To create a Docker Swarm, follow these steps:
- Initialize Docker Swarm: Choose a node that will act as the manager node. Open a terminal or command prompt on that node and run the following command:
docker swarm init
- This command initializes Docker Swarm on the manager node and generates a token.
- Join Worker Nodes: To add worker nodes to the Swarm, run the command provided in the output of the previous step on each worker node. The command will look similar to this:
docker swarm join --token <token> <manager-node-ip>:<manager-node-port>
- Replace <token> with the token generated in step 1, and <manager-node-ip> and <manager-node-port> with the IP address and port of the manager node.
- Verify the Swarm: On the manager node, run the command docker node ls to see the list of nodes in the Swarm. It should display both the manager and worker nodes.