Hi Experts,
We are using R12.2.3.
We recently implemented iProc with customizations. As of now, in Requisition, the default timeout we gave for any notification is 2 days. Now, we want the dynamic timeout.
For this we used the Lookup(We we created for other purpose of iProc custom requirement) where we are mentioned the lookup meaning as 2 (which means 2 days). Then, in custom package, we fetching the sysdate+lookup value as below (Declared v_timeout_rqrd as DATE)
Then in same package I am assigning this v_timeout_rqrd value to workflow attrubute XX_CUSTOM_TIMEOUT as:
wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => itemtype, itemkey => itemkey, aname => 'XX_CUSTOM_TIMEOUT', avalue => v_timeout_rqrd);
In workflow, the XX_CUSTOM_TIMEOUT attribute is defined as below
Then, used this attribute in notification as below
Then, when I tested, it is showing timeout as just date, not taking the time as below
Can anyone please help me on achieving Due as 8-May-2022 9:56:30
Thanks in Advance,