How do I get unicode characters out of an oracle.xdb.XMLType in Java?
698912May 27 2009 — edited May 28 2009The subject says it all. Something that should be simple and error free. Here's the code...
String xml = new String("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<x>\u2026</x>\n");
XMLType xmlType = new XMLType(conn, xml);
conn is an oci8 connection.
How do I get the original string back out of xmlType? I've tried xmlType.getClobVal() and xmlType.getString() but these change my \u2026 to 191 (question mark). I've tried xmlType.getBlobVal(CharacterSet.UNICODE_2_CHARSET).getBytes() (and substituted CharacterSet.UNICODE_2_CHARSET with a number of different CharacterSet values), but while the unicode characters are encoded correctly the blob returned has two bytes cut off the end for every unicode character contained in the original string.
I just need one method that actually works.
I'm using Oracle release I'd mention NLS_LANG and file.encoding, but I'm setting the PrintStream I'm using for output explicitly to UTF-8 so these shouldn't, I think, have any bearing on the question.
Thanks for your time.
Stryder, aka Ralph