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HFM Lock Ownership

1299734Sep 5 2017 — edited Sep 6 2017



When we lock a period, the Ownership for that period does not get locked.

We need to manually change the DataGrid for locking to [None] value member and lock the intersection for the Ownership to be locked. (And it only locks the selected cell, not its descendants).

Based on the documentation: Locking Data

When you lock data, you only need to select the Top parent entity, because the system locks recursively across the Entity and Value dimensions starting at the base entities. For each entity, Value members are locked in this order: Entity Currency, None, Parent Currency, Contribution Total.

Our goal is to have HFM locks both data and ownership for a certain period in one lock action.

Does anybody else experience the same behavior?



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Locked on Oct 4 2017
Added on Sep 5 2017