i have script on hfm cash flow for inventory and account payable but i could not figure out how it is working out .. please look out and have a words.
How decreses and increase is calculation here....
Hs.Exp "A#CFInven = A#Inventories.C4#Decreases - A#Inventories.C4#Increases"
is it from here??? if so it looks another misery.... pls help...
Sub Increase_Decrease(Destination,Source,Factor,Scale,Inverse)
If Inverse = False Then
HS.EXP Destination & " = " & Source & " * (1 + (" & Factor & " / " & Scale & "))"
HS.EXP Destination & " = " & Source & " * (1 + ((" & Factor & " * -1) / " & Scale & "))"
End If
End Sub
this looks completely unfamiliar
Hs.Exp "A#CFAcctsPay = ((A#BankOverdraft.C4#Increases - A#BankOverdraft.C4#Decreases) + (A#ShortTermPay.C4#Increases - A#ShortTermPay.C4#Decreases) + (A#ShortTermPayInterco.C4#Increases.I#[ICP Top] + A#ShortTermPayInterco.C4#MOvement.I#[ICP Top] - A#ShortTermPayInterco.C4#Decreases.I#[ICP Top]))"