help with lucreate
935878Sep 11 2012 — edited Sep 11 2012Hi
I have an issue with i do an lustatus ..
:# lustatus
ERROR: No boot environments are configured on this system
ERROR: cannot determine list of all boot environment names
So I try to do an lucreate to create my original be
# lucreate -n newbe
Analyzing system configuration.
No name for current boot environment.
INFORMATION: The current boot environment is not named - assigning name <d0>.
Current boot environment is named <d0>.
Creating initial configuration for primary boot environment <d0>.
WARNING: The device </dev/md/dsk/d0> for the root file system mount point </> is not a physical device.
WARNING: The system boot prom identifies the physical device </dev/dsk/c0t40d0s0> as the system boot device.
Is the physical device </dev/dsk/c0t40d0s0> the boot device for the logical device </dev/md/dsk/d0>? (yes or no) yes
INFORMATION: Assuming the boot device </dev/dsk/c0t40d0s0> obtained from the system boot prom is the physical boot device for logical device </dev/md/dsk/d0>.
INFORMATION: Unable to determine size or capacity of slice </dev/md/dtmlosm-ds/dsk/d100>.
ERROR: An error occurred during creation of configuration file.
ERROR: Cannot create the internal configuration file for the current boot environment <d0>.
ERROR: Cannot create configuration for primary boot environment.