I have successfully integrated the pre-built Document Generator function in my APEX application. It works, but many times it is extremely slow, or completely times out.
From the documentation:
{"code":"FunctionInvokeServiceUnavailable","message":"Timed out - server too busy"} Fn: Error invoking function. status: 503 message: Timed out - server too busy
The message indicates that OCI Functions is currently unable to handle the request, possibly because of insufficient capacity. Encountering this error message multiple times is not uncommon, because it can take some time to scale up OCI Functions capacity to meet demand from function invocations.
If you see this error, try invoking the function again. Do not be concerned if the message reappears.
“Not uncommon”, “do not be concerned ” is difficult to explain to the users who are instantly trying to print an invoice or whatever.
Is there any way I can get better performance? Any tips?
(Post copied from Oracle Cloud Customer Connect, with no replies from the Oracle team)