Forms / Reports 6i - slow starting printing & FRM-41211 Integration error
We are having a problem with Forms / Reports 6i that seems to be slowly getting worse.
When beginning printing, the CPU usage goes up to 100%. In task manager I can see IFRUN60.EXE or RWRBE60.EXE, or IFBLD60.EXE or RWBLD60.EXE taking up 70% or so of the CPU time with the rest being taken up by the SPOOLSV.EXE spooler service.
This can be observed when
* Starting the Reports background generator from the Forms runtime
* Printing from a "print form" function inside the Forms runtime
* Starting Reports builder
* Printing from Reports Builder
* Printing from Forms Builder
The big problem is launching Reports from the Forms runtime. If this CPU / Spooler wheel spinning takes more than 30 seconds or so (and it can on slower machines), Forms thinks that it has failed to launch Reports and gives the error "FRM-41211 Integration error: SSL failure running another product" Eventually the reports background generator will finish launching.
This happens on NT 4, 2000, XP, and 2003 server. I have tried this in a "clean" configuration where nothing else (no extra services or anything) is running at all and this still happens. We are currently running Forms & Reports Patchset 17.
Does anyone have any idea what is causing this? Thanks.