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Fonts in SQL Developer

BerndLOct 7 2020

Not too long ago I had Source Code Pro as the font of choice in SQL Developer. Somehow it doesn't show up any more as available. The same with JetBrains Mono, Fira Code, Hasklig, Ubuntu Mono, Meslo...
What kind of fonts does SQL Developer support? I'm working with SQL Developer under Java 1.8.0_201 and SQL Developer
Thanks in advance, Bernd


it should be working with any font installed on your machine

we make a call to the OS asking for a list of Fonts, basically

I just added the Hack and Inconsolata fonts on my mac, and had no issues


Strange. I'm here on Windows 10 Pro 1909.
The only font that SQL Developer offers from the ones I installed additionally (apart from the system-provided ones) is Hack (after restarting Windows). None of the others is available. Notepad++ lets me choose each and every installed font.
Any idea what might be causing this?

I mean, it sounds like a bug - i just can't reproduce it.

And no, in case anyone's wondering, we don't support ligatures



Jeff, sorry to drag up an older thread. I'm having this same problem. I have SQL developer 20.2 on Win 10. this is a new Win10 on which I do not have administrator privs. On my old Win 7 that allows administrator privs, all the new fonts installed showed up in SQL developer. But on this Win 10 they do not. By chance could it be SQL developer looking at fonts installed by an admin instead of those only installed by a lowly user?

thatJeffSmith-Oracle 20.4 we SHIP the HACK font with the app, try that.

Erik Trip - Darwin IT

I had the same issue with the Jetbrains font, Resinstalling them as administrator solved the issue.
Regards Erik


I can confirm @erik-trip-darwin-it analysis.
That should be considered as a bug @thatjeffsmith-oracle ; sqldev should really be able to access user's fonts at it is natively a portable application so user oriented.


Windows 10, Oracle SQL Developer, Version Build 349.1822. As shown below, “Install for all users” makes the difference.



Cheikh Mohamed Tidiane Diack

I've tried this with Ubuntu mono and Fira code on Win11

It works perfectly !

Thanks a lot

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Added on Oct 7 2020