When I try to upgrade ORDS 24.3 from 20.2 in DEV env without sysdba installer user. (I use the ords_installer_privileges.sql for another account for upgrading).
The upgrade looks like success, I can start the ords and check the apex page.
But there are two warning message during the upgrade:
WARNING: Cannot drop ORDS_METADATA.ORDS_HTTP: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
WARNING: Procedure WWV_FLOW_LISTENER cannot be resolved and will not be added to
Procedure Gateway Allow List.
I am not sure if it is normal or not, and I afraid to continue upgrade for our production because of these warning message.
I search on forums , seems “Cannot drop ORDS_METADATA.ORDS_HTTP: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges” can be ignore from https://forums.oracle.com/ords/apexds/post/24-1-warning-cannot-drop-ords-metadata-ords-http-ora-01031-0270.
But I didn't found any thing about “ Procedure WWV_FLOW_LISTENER cannot be resolved and will not be added to
Procedure Gateway Allow List. ”