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Downloading PDF file from a location in Server to client

Abhishek Sahu-OracleOct 29 2024 — edited Oct 29 2024

I am creating an rest api in Oracle Jdeveloper , to download a pdf file available in a pericular location in one of our server (https://************).

********Moderator action: removed private data ******

I am not getting any error. After debugging found that all the lines are added in the logs.

I am getting response code as 500Internal Server Error.

Code is :
    @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM) // Return as binary stream (for files)
    public Response downlaodReportPdf(JsonObject params) throws Exception {

        // Extract data from the JsonObject
        String jndiName = params.getString("jndiName");
        String v5username = params.getString("v5username");
        String v5userPassword = params.getString("v5userPassword");
        String path = params.getString("location");
        String loggingStatus = params.getString("loggingStatus");
        logger(jndiName, loggingStatus, DEV_LOG, "location is : " + path);
        logger(jndiName, loggingStatus, DEV_LOG, "downlaodReportPdf called");
        ///Certificate validation
        Response validationResponse = validateUser(jndiName, v5username, v5userPassword, loggingStatus);
        if (validationResponse != null) {
            return validationResponse; // Return the error response if validation failed
        /// Download impl start
        File file = new File(path);
        if (!file.exists()) {
            logger(jndiName, loggingStatus, DEV_LOG, "Error: file not found");
            return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND)
                           .entity("File not found")
        logger(jndiName, loggingStatus, DEV_LOG, "1");
        // Create an input stream from the file
        try (InputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(file)) {
            logger(jndiName, loggingStatus, DEV_LOG, "2");
            // Build the response with the file stream and set appropriate headers
            ResponseBuilder response = Response.ok(fileStream, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM);
            response.header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + file.getName());
            logger(jndiName, loggingStatus, DEV_LOG, "downlaodReportPdf completed");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Log the error and return an internal server error response
            logger(jndiName, loggingStatus, DEV_LOG, "Error while processing file download: " + e.getMessage());
            return Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
                           .entity("Error processing file download")


logger method logs data in the db, this is for logging functionality.
In the logs below logs were added without any error:

location is : something
downlaodReportPdf called
downlaodReportPdf completed

. Can you please guide me why is it happening. What workaround can be done to fix the issue so that pdf file gets downloaded.

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Added on Oct 29 2024