I am running Apex 19.1. I have tried to reproduce my problem on apex.oracle.com, but without success. So, this is a long shot....
The simplified situation is like this.
I have a procedure:
create or replace procedure hello(p_who in varchar2)
sys.htp.p('Hello '||p_who);
An Ajax Callback process:
A text item: P5_WHO.
A button with a Javascript DA:
A Javascript function:
function hello() {
apex.server.process('hello', {
pageItems: '#P5_WHO'
}, {
dataType: "text",
success: function (pData) {
console.log("hello result: " + pData);
if ( pData ) {
When I run the page from Apex Builder, I get the expected output in the console (Hello ...) and in the alert.
But, when I logout of the Apex Builder and run the page again in stand alone (runtime) mode, there is no pData.
I can also see it in the Developer toolbar of Chrome (network traffic). There is a request:
p_request: APPLICATION_PROCESS=Rekenen_stap1
p_json: {"pageItems":{"itemsToSubmit":[{"n":"P38_PROVISIE_BEHOUDEN","v":"N"}],"protected":"iiVk.....kY","rowVersion":"","formRegionChecksums":[]},"salt":"158854179772644815191688020872545788994"}
There is a response when the application is run from the Apex Builder.
But no response when run stand alone (not from the Builder): "This request has no response data available"
Has anybody else ever seen this behaviour?