Trying to use console connection from the OCI Console. The connection opens, the cursor blinks never showing an input prompt. I've created group policies:
Allow group <group_name> to manage instance-console-connection in tenancy
Allow group <group_name> to read instance in tenancy
I've logged out/in, tried different browsers, but get the response like below. Suggestions?
Welcome to Oracle Cloud Shell.
You are using Cloud Shell in tenancy <tenancy> as an OCI federated user oracleidentitycloudservice/<user>
Running instance console connection version 1
Instance type is x86_64
Running from 1 folder
2023/09/07 22:34:46 Fetching instance info.
2023/09/07 22:34:47 Looking for existing console connections.
2023/09/07 22:34:47 Waiting for Instance Console Connection to complete transition. Current state: CREATING
2023/09/07 22:34:51 Instance Console Connection reached state: ACTIVE
2023/09/07 22:34:51
IMPORTANT: Use a console connection to troubleshoot a malfunctioning instance. For normal operations, you should connect to the instance using a Secure Shell (SSH) or Remote Desktop connection. For steps, see
For more information about troubleshooting your instance using a console connection, see the documentation:
< the cursor blinks but doesn't allow input >