APEX 21.1.5
Hi, I have a parent page with a button that opens a modal dialog page. I want to present a confirmation to the user whenever the modal dialog is closed / exited, whether through the “X” button or the ESC key or whatever. However, I'm having some trouble figuring this out.
The seemingly obvious choice is to create a DA on “Dialog Closed” but it kind of doesn't make sense. One of the attributes for a DA on “Dialog Closed” is Selection Type… but why would an event tied to a dialog closing care about a region / item / etc.? The dialog as a whole is closing, not the region / item / etc.?
I tried this anyways, tying the Dialog Closed event to the button that opens the modal dialog on the parent page, as well as tying it to a region on my Modal Dialog page… no luck either way. I'd rather not have to do this through JavaScript (though I did try this too)… surely there is a simple declarative way to do this?
Thank you!