I am collecting data in an interview for onward creation of a B2C incident. The interview is simple, just a few screens of text boxes. On the last page, There is a question “Do you have any additional information to add?” to collect attribute i.any additional information
if i.any additional information is true, then a final text box is displayed (using show if) and attribute i.additional information is collected
if i.any additional information is false, then the box is not displayed and attribute i.additional information is Unknown
As such, i.additional information will either be what the customer enters, or Unknown. i.additional information is then concatenated with a load of other known attributes into a thread which is pushed into B2C.
However, in the case of i.additional information being Unknown, the concatenation fails, and in turn is set to Unknown itself. Ideally, I'd like check for i.additional information being Unknown and instead substitute the term “None entered” so the concatenation will not fail.
It seems pretty straight forward, but I am struggling with how to write this either at the interview stage, or in the MS Word rules document.
Any suggestions? Thanks!