I am trying to figure out some backup history in rman view. v$rman_backup_job_details
I see below:
my question is I know the backup is is level 0 backup, which is like a full backup,
backup as compressed backupset incremental level 0 cumulative tag 'L0'database plus archivelog delete all input;
but in below screenshot, we have 2 different input_type. I suppose the first one marks input_type as DB_INCR, that makes sense to me for above backup statement, but why the second and third line records have input_type DB Full.
I cannot find in the RMAN log any backup command other than above bold command for the 3 why it makes the input_Type different? in what case it will show DB_INCR, and when they will show DB FULL, even they are all level0 backup. thanks,