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ORDS, SODA & JSON in the Database


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Changing character encoding

Tomas AlbinssonDec 1 2011 — edited Dec 9 2011

I have a procedure in my database that produces a .csv-output for Excel.
Using http headers I get Excel to open the "file" produced.

My problem is our swedish characters, åäö.
Excel (at least Excel 2003) wants iso-8859-1 encoding for these characters to work.
So my procedure uses convert() to go from database charset UTF8 to WE8ISO8859P1.

This worked fine under Oracle Portal but not so under Apex Listener on WebLogic.
I think the listener is converting my iso text to utf on the way to the browser.

Is this so?

I've read that it "defaults to utf8" and "bound to utf8" but nothing official.
My listener version is

Kind regards

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Locked on Jan 6 2012
Added on Dec 1 2011