While logging to IDP server with user credentials on webbrowser, It asks the browser to present it's certificate and a certificate pop up appears on browser listing the certificates installed on the local machine where a user selects the certificate (installed in the local machine's keystore/truststore). Once the certificates is selected in the certificate selection pop up, browser on local machine(client in this case) presents the certificate to IDP server and handshake is successful.
In another scenario, I am using Javafx webview to simulate the above mentioned behavior for my program. When i execute my program, it does redirect to idp server where i provide user credentials. Now, after user credentails authentication IDP server asks for client certificate. However, in this case, a built in pop up with certificate list doesn't occurs. Hence, I am not manually able to select the certificate.
As per my understanding, Javafx WebView is a mini browser with full browser functionality.
Please share your thoughts on why a popup with certificate lists doesn't occur for my program written in javafx webview when IDP server asks for client certificate ?