I'm trying to implement a Warn on unsaved changes on a modal form.
This is demonstrated here: https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=128638:9:10356783711885
Workspace: AF_PLAY
Login: af / afaf
I have created an example page with a IG (p9) that has a link column on the Ename that takes you to a modal page (p12).
The modal page was created using APEX wizard. Containing 2 regions:
- Static Content, template Blank with Attributes containing the items linked to the EMP table
- Buttons region, template Buttons container, containing 4 buttons (Cancel, Delete, Save, Create)
I've made no changes to this page after the wizard created it, except to make sure that the setting 'Warn on unsaved changes' at page level is set to YES and each column has the same attribute set to 'page default'.
A cancel button in the dialog footer has a dynamic action associated to it that closes the dialog.
Clicking CANCEL however, does not warn of unsaved changes. Is there anything else I need to implement. From other questions on this forum, it should just work out the box?
Thanks for your help.