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BI Publisher and global level PLSQL function

User_2KH5JMay 15 2020

Hi All,

I have a PLSQL package which has a global function (All package variables are global).

I have a before report trigger where I need to populate the data and then run the report.

I have  schema emp where my package resides.  I have another schema BIP_READ_ONLY  which has read access to emp.

I have created a public synonym for the package and given the execute rights to schema BIP_READ_ONLY.

I am able to select this package as the default database package in the BIP Data model.

However when I create the report trigger and call the  package, I get below error

  Processing Exceptions: oracle.xdo.XDOException: Invalid PLSQL function call. 

  Only global level PLSQL function calls are allowed. Please check PLSQL function definition

Anyone seen this earlier ?

Thank you

Best Regards

Rajesh Alex
