Hi there,
I've been a happy camper with dyndns.org since at least 2005, looking at my billing history, but I've recently been getting emails from name.com, who have apparently successfully taken over and charged me for another year of domain registration for my one domain. I sent an email to support here, but sadly haven't received a reply.
I can't find any emails on the topic of this changeover though - it's come out of the blue in the last few weeks, but in poking around this forum it looks like dyndns is soon to be no more? I'm not completely sure of that, and so uncertain how much needs to be transferred over to name.com.
What a shame, anyway, I would really appreciate some idiot-proof advice on how to continue with my domain, using it mainly as a bespoke email address that actually points to Gmail. I've a few specific questions below:
1. Is dyndns.org disappearing altogether, or just the domain name registration bit?
2. At name.com, my domain's nameservers are listed as:
I *think* I need to change these to name.com's? If so, do I do this at dyndns.org, and if so, what are name.com's equivalent nameservers?
3. I also have the following mx records at dyndns.org, which I think are critical in using a custom email address to actually point to a gmail account:
Do I need to add this info at name.com, can't see where to do it?
In short, I'm a bit confused by what's going on, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT: short version of the above: if I changed my domain's dns records at name.com to those of name.com, and added the above mx records to my name.com domain then is that all I need to use the domain as a custom email address that is pointed to gmail? Can I then remove such records from dyn.com/cancel my account altogether at dyn.com?