I've noticed SQL Developer has been a differente behaviour for some auto complete words.
For user procedures, functions and packages, auto complete hasn't been working any more. For exemple, i have a lot of procedures in schema called DA starting with “stp_” and if i type “exec DA.stp” or “exec DA.stp_” and ctrl+space, the auto complete doesn't show those procedures existing in that schema, but for system shemas it has been working normally, such as “exec dbms_sqltune.create_”. The same happens with packages and functions.
Also, the auto complete doesn't work for schema with character “_”. For exemple, if i type “select * from AD_” or “select * from AD” and ctrl+space, it doesn't work. I think there is something to do with the character “_”, because the command “select * from si_inf” doesn't work too and the schema si_informtn_schema is an internal schema. Schemas without “_” has been working normarlly.
Both these behaviours were worked in previous SQL Developer version