I am trying to install patch 13413002 using Opatch version I have setup Oracle Home , path, java home, jre home .But when I run Opatch apply -report to check for errors OPatch returns with error code = 1 with no other error message. I have seen logs but they don't mention anything for specific error. The patch 13413002 requires opatch or later, so Opatch is not outdated. Hope to get to the error message to troubleshoot. Here is the command output -
C:\OraHome_1\OPatch>opatch apply C:\10g_dev_suite\13413002 -report
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2011 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved..
Oracle recommends you to use the latest OPatch version
and read the OPatch documentation available in the OPatch/docs
directory for usage. For information about the latest OPatch and
other support-related issues, refer to document ID 293369.1
available on My Oracle Support (https://myoraclesupport.oracle.com)
Oracle Home : C:\OraHome_1
Oracle Home Inventory : C:\OraHome_1\inventory
Central Inventory : C:\Program Files (x86)\oracle\inventory
from : N/A
OUI location : C:\OraHome_1\oui
OUI shared library : C:\OraHome_1\oui\lib\win32\oraInstaller.dll
Java location : "C:\OraHome_1\jre\1.4.2\bin\java.exe"
Log file location : C:\OraHome_1/.patch_storage/<patch ID>/*.log
Creating log file "C:\orahome_1\.patch_storage\13413002\Apply_13413002_03-14-2025_12-35-33.log"
[Report: skip C:\orahome_1\bin\unzip.exe C:\OraHome_1\OPatch\ocm\ocm.zip -d c:\orahome_1]
[Report: Skip C:\orahome_1\ccr\bin\setupCCR.exe]
Backing up comps.xml ...
OPatch detected non-cluster Oracle Home from the inventory and will patch the local system only.
Please shut down Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME
(Oracle Home = c:\orahome_1)
Is this system ready for updating?
Please respond Y|N >
Applying patch 13413002...
OPatch returns with error code = 1