APEX 4.0 Maps - How to create heat maps / Add Custom Maps
With release 4.0 we have the ability to create maps and chart data on the maps. I could not find any instructions on how to create heat maps. Has anyone tried creating heat maps ? Can you point out how to do that. Basically would like to chart out data on a map with varied color i.e. green showing the lower range and red showing the higher ranges.
Appreciate your help on this.
Second question related to Maps, In the list of seeded maps, there is a folder called custom maps. how do you add maps to custom maps ? I was able to put a custom map under /i/flashchart/swf/maps/custom folder but how do you see the same map in the APEX Design screen ?
Infact I just replaced the existing file for usa custom map to one of the other maps and I could see that my map was being shown when I created a map page. But how do you add new maps.
Is there any information on this aspect ?
Btw, trying with different maps, the region map under US does not have the right map associated with it, the map is for 48 states under region, although they have the right *.amap file in the directory , seems like just the link is incorrect in the database.