Looking for Java 17 Developer 1Z0-829 Practice tests pdf. I'm done with training and looking for mock tests to test my knowledge before appearing for real exam. If some already cleared the exam can you please share your experience? Also important topics that I need to concentrate for 1z0-829 exam. This was my second attempt and I need to clear this exam at any cost.
I have passed my exam. I used Skillcertpro practice tests for my 1Z0-829 exam preparation and found them to be very close to the actual exam content. On their mock exams, I consistently scored around 80%, which translated well to my performance on the official test.
One of the things I appreciated most was their bi-weekly updates and the detailed explanations for every question. This really helped me grasp the concepts better. Their exam notes were also a crucial part of my preparation strategy they outline the important services and their usecases.
Based on my experience, I recommend scheduling your exam only if you're consistently scoring above 85% on Skillcertpro's mock exams. This really tests your readiness, and if you're hitting those scores, you should be well-prepared for the main exam.