Windows 10 based VM, (1) Oracle DB 21c XE, (2) Apex 22.1, (3)Java 11, (4) Apache Tomcat 9 (5) Ords 22.2 (number mentioned are sequence of installations)
checked @thatjeffsmith-oracle blog and tried to install ORDS 22.2
Apex in: c:\apex
Ords in: c:\ords and config folder: c:\ords\conf
Java in: c:\java
ords path sets in system variables c:\ords\bin
everything installed successfully, during installation of ords using "ords --config c:\ords\config install", there was no error, it means provided credentials was correct and it can create all objects in database (xepdb1)
then copied following contents:
copy c:\ords\ords.war C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps
copy c:\apex\images\* C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\i\
when in browser i entered localhost:8090/ it was fine (to check Tomcat is running) but when enter localhost:8090/ords/ it is showing below error:
is there anything i missed or something am doing wrong? if i did anything wrong, now how i can resolve? please help.
please also check these prompts and my selections (some are selected defaults, just pressed enter key):
Enter a number to select the type of installation
[1] Install or upgrade ORDS in the database only
[2] Create or update a database pool and install/upgrade ORDS in the database
[3] Create or update a database pool only
Choose [2]: 1
Enter a number to select the database connection type to use
[1] Basic (host name, port, service name)
[2] TNS (TNS alias, TNS directory)
[3] Custom database URL
Choose [1]:
Enter the database host name [localhost]:
Enter the database listen port [1521]:
Enter the database service name [orcl]: XEPDB1