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Textura Payment Management


We want to hear your ideas on how to enhance your experience using Oracle Textura! You can help promote an idea by:

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Add Manage Stored Materials page under Compliance section

Brandon LeiboldJun 11 2024 — edited Feb 26 2025
  • What task are you or your users trying to accomplish?

My idea is to create a Stored Materials page under the Compliance section that General Contractors can use to manage required backup from their subcontractors who bill for stored materials. It would be like the Manage Lien Waivers section.

Below is an outline of how the process would work

Subcontractor bills for stored materials

Subcontractors are given the option to upload required documents prior to signing their invoice. If they upload documents prior to signing their invoice, the documents are then uploaded to the new Stored Materials compliance page for GC review. If a subcontractor declines to upload stored material documents, they would have to upload their documents at a later date.

When documents are submitted by the subcontractors the documents are shown on a new page titled "Manage Stored Materials” that is under the Compliance drop down

The GC would then approve or reject submitted documents.

Who (what role) needs to be able to accomplish this task

The Project Manger, Compliance Manager, and Invoice Approver

  • What Textura pages (if any) do you expect to be affected by your idea?

We would be creating a new page titled “Manage Stored Materials” under the compliance section. A new page may be needed for the subcontractor to submit their stored materials documents prior to signing their invoice. The Manage Invoices section would also be impacted as the documents would show up in the Documents column.

  • What will the business impact be on your organization if your idea is delivered?

This will save the General Contractor time in the review process because all the documents will be one page and will allow for live tracking. Currently, I have to communicate with the subcontractors through e-mail.


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Added on Jun 11 2024
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