I would like to know how to avoid displaying login form whenever forms are ran in Orcale Form Builder (look at the screenshot below).
It is actually supposed that such form shows only once when running a form for the first time (as you can see in the screenshot below).
However, it keeps showing whenever I run a form.
In order to create the relevant user, this is how I proceeded step by step:
I ran this command-line in the command prompt in order to connect with a common user : sqlplus c##moslem/my_password@orcl
I connected to the pluggable database : alter session set container = ORCLPDB;
I created a new user this way : create user Scott identified by tiger;
I granted it some privileges : grant dba to Scott;
I connected to sqlplus with the user that I have created : sqlplus Scott/tiger@orcl
Any idea how to fix that?
Thanks in advance.